My Superpower is…

This Gemini wields a dual superpower of movement and stillness which, I guess, matches my extroverted-introvert personality. When those powers coalesce I'm imbued with an invaluable sense of connection to myself and others. Stillness is my sacred alone time where copal and candles burn. In this space, gravity bears no weight on my mind. Instead, it flies free as I wander through fleeting thoughts, wade through memories, daydream about my future and pour into my journals. Stillness is where I conjure ideas, visualize life as I want to live it, and contemplate the person I want to become; personally & professionally.
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Something I’ve been consistent at this year is…

Something I’ve been consistent at this year is Pilates. Yes, I’m a bonafide Contrology Freak™️ but, when life feels overwhelming, I tend to make up random excuses and neglect my workouts. And let’s just say, life has felt a bit overwhelming this year. #realtalk

Despite my passion for Pilates, left to my own devices, I might squander my time ruminating on any and every stressor I can lament over. But, instead, I’ve leaned into my practice as a grounding ritual that boosts my mood and reminds me that I’m capable of transformation and growth.

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Something I’ve gotten really good at this year is…

Even through my anxiety, one thing I’ve gotten better at this year is trusting myself & the timing of my life. Because one day I can feel like a rockstar; owning my power and living my truth. And the next day I can feel like a hopeless shit-show. While this has been a challenging year for me, I actually don’t feel hopeless!

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Even through the chaos I can…

Even through the chaos I can maintain my focus, remember the essence of who I am and what my purpose is. I can welcome each day as a new opportunity that’s full of possibility and root that possibility in my core values. I can “be the change” – in my own small way – even if it feels insignificant. And while trying to contribute positively to the world, I can also find ways to manage my stress and anxiety rather than ignoring my mental health.

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My favorite mood enhancers are…

My favorite mood enhancer is – hands down- movement. I’ve always been active and welcoming endorphin rushes since I was a kid. Back then I was a tree climbing, kick-balling, bun-headed ballerina. As an adult, I became a professional dancer, aerial artist and Pilates teacher. But I don’t move for the feel-good hormone hits alone. I do it for the confidence boost too. Any movement practice that requires progressive skill-building through repetition, dedication and time creates an “I can” mentality. And nothing fuels my mood more than feeling like a badass.

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Inner-Peace comes from…

On an intellectual level, I know that inner-peace comes from being present and breathing through each moment with a sense of gratitude. Yada-Yada-Yada-OHM! My obnoxious brain, however, is constantly overanalyzing the past and overthinking the future. I’m a Gemini with a moon in Aquarius, damnit. All that “air” compels me to scrutinize, synthesize, and probe. While my spirit craves inner-peace, my mind loves to live in hypotheticals and “what if’s”. Sometimes it’s hard to catch my breath! And it’s even harder to sleep at night.

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Dear Inner-Critic…

Dear Inner-Critic… you are a bold faced liar. I’ve proven you wrong time and time again and yet you persist. It’s as if you want me to fail, settle for mediocrity, and live a life that’s just “meh”. Not happening! The crazy thing is, the more you insist upon belittling me and telling me I’m “not ________ enough” the more rooted in my truth I become. I know my worth and I’ve got practice with self-advocacy. I’ve been fighting for myself since I was a kid who wanted nothing more than to live my life as authentically as possible and on my own terms.

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