S.I.T. Day 18: Nurturing My Inner-Peace

In 2022, my biggest priority is to nurture my mental health so that I can live the fullest and most vibrant expression of myself. My inner-strength, inner-confidence, & inner-peace are non-negotiable at this point. They’ll no longer sit on the back burner while I give every ounce of my soul to my career, with a mix of relentless ambition and fear-based survival mode. F**k Covid and f**k past experiences that have molded me into the work robot that I am. I see you and rebuke you! I’m also avoiding toxic relationships, conversations, and social media feeds that weigh heavily upon my spirit and fill me with anxiety.

Okay, now that I’ve gotten that out of the way… I am nurturing my mental health by enjoying weekends off for the first time since March 2020. I’m sleeping in and sipping hot cacao while filling my journal with whatever pours from my heart. And then I’m listening to my intuition and assessing my needs throughout the day. And more importantly, I’m honoring them. Even if it includes simply lying on my couch and staring out the window at the stillness of trees. Stillness is welcome. Well, at least tolerated, until I get a better grip on feeling “lazy”.

I’ll also continue to nurture my mental health with my regular Pilates practice. I workout five times/week and each time is equally invigorating and fills my body with the feel-good hormones I crave. It never ceases to make me feel physically and mentally resilient like a got-dayum superhero. I love that! And I love being reminded that I’m strong and capable as much as I respect the humbling reminder that I am so far from mastering this exercise Method. It keeps my mind curious, engaged, and excited for every workout.

Finally, I plan to be far more cognizant of the energy around me; who I let in and when – whether in real life, on social media, or in the daily news. I’m making a conscious effort to take stock of how people and experiences make me feel, because I refuse let anyone or anything steal my joy or distract me from my purpose. High vibrations only, please!

31 Days of Soaked In Thought

S.I.T is an invitation to SIT with yourself – for a few minutes per day – to think your thoughts, feel your feels & express your emotions with a JOURNALING RITUAL. For the entire month of Jan, I’ll be posting daily journaling prompts as a source of inspiration. Ring in the New Year by getting #soakedinthought

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