S.I.T. Day 19: Savoring Choices, Successes, & Memories

I will forever savor the power of choice and independent thinking that freed me from a life that felt small and inauthentic. And the depth of wisdom I’ve gained from ignored intuition, poor choices, and failed relationships. I’ll also savor friendships, old and new, that are based upon mutual love, compassion, truth, and respect. The friends who will pull me out of perpetual work-mode and force me into play-mode, only to remember “Oh yeah, I used to be fun!”. The friends who call me out when a sista needs to be checked, who listen when I need to be heard, and hold me up when I need to be supported. Man, I love them!

I’ll also savor my success as a small business owner. I so value the autonomy it gives me, the creativity it allows me, the lifestyle it affords me, and the self-trust it teaches me. And I’m so grateful for everyone who has supported me along my journey; from my teachers, students and former bosses; to business coaches, strategists, and other small business owners; and everyone who has invited me to teach, speak, or write on their platforms. I’m also grateful for my virtual friends who cheer me on from the sidelines.

I will continue to savor the memories of my 20year performing career. It was my “coming of age” story; where the true me revealed herself and dared to show the world with utter vulnerability. I’ll also snuggle into memories of my 17year relationship my Boston Terrier dog-child, Brooklyn, who taught me what unconditional love feels like. Even when I felt like I’d lost everything and had nothing left to give, she reminded me that love is our most valuable asset. That’s all she needed from me and I happily obliged with my whole entire heart. Saying goodbye to her in 2021 was one of the most heart-wrenching experiences I’ve ever had.

Lastly, I will savor my love relationship with myself. ‘Cause it’s been a hard-fought journey to recognize my worth, establish clear boundaries, and live my truth without shame.

31 Days of Soaked In Thought

S.I.T is an invitation to SIT with yourself – for a few minutes per day – to think your thoughts, feel your feels & express your emotions with a JOURNALING RITUAL. For the entire month of Jan, I’ll be posting daily journaling prompts as a source of inspiration. Ring in the New Year by getting #soakedinthought

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