In 2022 I’m gonna fall in love. Yep, I’m throwing it out into the Universe with a few clarifications. ‘Cause y’gotta be specific with the Universe. I will not “settle” into love. Nor will I “fall” in the dizzying sense that obscures the red flags. I’ve failed and repeated those lessons too many times. But I’ve finally graduated from messy, toxic love and situationships. I’ve invested my singlehood in self-reflection and personal growth. And while I’ll forever be a work in progress, I love the here and now version of myself and I’m ready for that grown and sexy kinda love.
Universe, you know what I’ve been through. So puh-lease hook a sista up! I won’t accept anything less than the kind of love that’s grounded in similar core values, interests and life vision. And I definitely need the kinda love where emotional intimacy is just as important as physical intimacy. And where vulnerability, honesty, mutual trust and respect are priorities. And please remember that I’m a Gemini and need a communicator! Like, someone with a little banter in ’em. Someone equally skilled at listening as they are at talking. Someone with ideas, thoughts and opinions on a variety of topics. Those mono-syllabic, silent types are unnerving to my soul. Also, career success is super-important to me. But so is being a multi-faceted human being with hobbies and passions that keep them inspired. But back to the career thing. Success is important, but it’s sexy AF when someone is actually excited about their career.
Also, please also remember that as much as I love connection, I’m an introvert. I’m sure I’ll cherish all the time spent with my boo-thang of your choosing. But don’t forget I need someone who respects my alone time. Clingy ain’t cuttin’ it.
Oh, and added bonus: loves dogs, kids, 90s Hip-Hop & R&B, Scrabble and working out. And if they know the difference between Pilates and yoga? Love it! Please confer with me in my dreams if you have further questions.
XO, Keex
31 Days of Soaked in Thought
S.I.T is an invitation to SIT with yourself – for a few minutes per day – to think your thoughts, feel your feels & express your emotions with a JOURNALING RITUAL. For the entire month of Jan, I’ll be posting daily journaling prompts as a source of inspiration. Ring in the New Year by getting #soakedinthought