Purpose-driven Fitness Is…

Purpose-driven fitness is loving my body and loving myself. It’s sticking to a consistent exercise program that’s designed in alignment with my fitness goals, my current fitness level, and my learning style. But it also honors the way I love to move and feel in my body. It challenges my body enough to change it without injury. And each challenge teaches me about my ability to lean into awkwardness and self-doubt to discover what I’m capable of with consistency, time and effort. It reveals my strength, tenacity, and resilience.

Purpose-driven fitness is finding a movement method I’m passionate about – like Pilates – because it’s easy to prioritize something I truly enjoy and benefit from. That passion brings my goals into focus, keeps me present and striving for my personal best. At the same time, I’m careful to balance my superhero aspirations with absolute respect for how I’m feeling in the moment. I honor and nurture my body versus pummeling it into submission. I know when to push myself and when to rest. If an exercise doesn’t feel good, right or safe, I speak up or stop. And whenever I’m sick or injured, I allow myself to recover before returning to my regularly scheduled programming. I certainly don’t bounce back like I used to so I’ve grown to respect the frustrating healing process. While I absolutely hate feeling limited, I know that, being compassionate with myself, has more longterm value than pushing through pain and discomfort.

My workout environment is just as important as the workout itself because my surroundings effect my mindset and my movement. I protect both.  If I find myself in a clique-y, competitive, or unsupportive training space, I leave. If a teacher is condescending, disrespectful or lacks patience, I leave. If I have to keep dodging micro-aggressions, I’m outta there! My purpose is to feel good; body, mind, and spirit so that my fitness routine enhances my overall quality of life.

S.I.T. With Yourself in April

This month’s #soakedinthought journaling prompts are dedicated to body confidence and fitness as a lifestyle. As we move into Spring and the fitness industry ramps up its messaging about getting “in shape” for Summer, I hope you’ll sit with yourself to figure out what your body, mind, and spirit need to feel healthy, fit, and happy – without all the external voices.

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