S.I.T. Day 3: Stillness at Rancho La Puerta

My most exhilarating experience in 2021 started with an N95 mask, a face shield, a cross-country flight and a bus ride across the Mexican border. My destination? Rancho La Puerta, where I was the Guest Pilates Instructor for 1 week. Yes, it was a work trip. But the Ranch always makes sure I’m blissfully cared for.

This city girl felt instantly grounded as soon as we arrived at the base of Mt. Kuchamaa where The Ranch is nestled within acres of beautiful landscape. Fresh air, space, and nature felt like the holy trinity; delivering me to a divine place of inner-peace. That type of tranquility felt foreign to me after almost two years in the confines of my NYC apartment. It was my first exhale. It was also my first time in 2yrs teaching live (but socially distanced) Pilates Mat classes. To be surrounded by 3 dimensional human beings vs interacting through a screen felt reminiscent of times past. Even wearing a mask; the collective energy, hands-on cuing and the occasional hugs felt so generous and welcome.

My teaching schedule allowed me to maximize my experience at The Ranch. So, prior to my arrival, my “’bout it, ’bout it'” personality had already decided upon a busy itinerary. I mean, who needs rest? I’m a small-biz-owning NYer operating in survival mode in the middle of a global pandemic. I don’t rest! I decided upon a few early morning mountain hikes, even though the extent of my hiking over the past 2yrs had been limited to a three-block radius around my apartment. And, I planned to take fitness classes all day, every day.

But the whims of my spirit won. Every fiber of my being needed rest and all the delicious farm-to-table food I could eat. So much of my time at the Ranch was spent in massage therapy, healing sound baths, meditation, jacuzzis, cold plunges, steam rooms, saunas and utter stillness by the pool. Yes, this mover needed stillness. I needed to be with myself in silence.

Rancho La Puerta gave me the exhilarating experience I didn’t realize I needed: connection with nature, connection with others, and connection with myself.

31 Days of Soaked in Thought

S.I.T is an invitation to SIT with yourself – for a few minutes per day – to think your thoughts, feel your feels & express your emotions with a JOURNALING RITUAL. For the entire month of Jan, I’ll be posting daily journaling prompts as a source of inspiration. Ring in the New Year by getting #soakedinthought

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