My theme word for 2024 is…

My theme word for 2024 is FOCUS. As a multi-passionate Gemini and consummate daydreamer with endless curiosity, I’m easily distracted. So while I’ve got quite the clear vision for my professional, and ultimately my personal life, it’s easily blurred by a shiny new project or idea. And then, my focus drifts and my energy moves out of alignment with what I genuinely want, need and desire. I think a therapist might call it “self-sabotage”.  It’s this frustrating habit of undermining my own success by veering off the path toward my dreams and onto another one that leads to something that seems more “realistic” or “practical”.  As someone with high expectations of myself, it drives me absolutely crazy that my focus is so weak. 

After years of repeating this pattern, I’ve finally figured out why my dreams don’t hold my attention like they should. I subconsciously invest in low-stakes projects that I’ll most likely excel at. Such projects generally make me feel valued, productive and even “successful”; at least in the eyes of others. And if I do fail, at least it doesn’t destroy my ego because my ego isn’t fully invested in it.  While I might derive a certain level of satisfaction from such a project, it inevitably drains my energy and leaves me feeling defeated because it’s out of alignment with my authentic self. 

In 2024 I’m respecting the fact that fulfilling my sense of purpose, plus my desire for connection, creativity and joy needs to be fiercely protected with boundaries. I need to exercise my right to say “no” without guilt, even when being heavily persuaded; mostly by the little voices in my head that like to defy my intuition. So I’m also dedicating 2024 to cultivating and trusting my intuition to the extent that I will confidently reject opportunities if they’re not in alignment with my personal and professional vision. I will also quit creating my own distractions with unnecessary busy-work or excuses. Instead, I am focusing my choices and my actions around who I am, who I want to become and what I want to experience. Whatever it is, it’s gotta light me up or serve the long-term vision for my life.

This is the year for focused action that’s in alignment with my dreams.

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