that the world is getting meaner; and especially on social media. As society becomes increasingly polarized on socio-politico-economic issues, I have to pause, breathe deeply and maybe disengage before allowing myself to react versus  responding thoughtfully, if that’s what I choose. And even more so when I’m triggered and can feel my emotions churn heatedly inside my gut. Or as I hear the words sharpening in my mind ready to lash out into cyberspace, which has become the acceptable norm for “communication”. But I’ve seen and experienced that it accomplishes nothing; neither for me personally nor for the greater good. 

My generation wasn’t raised on social media but it has certainly jumped on the bandwagon of ego-driven public eviscerations that rally people together in mutual hate; giving them a false sense of power, community and connection. People salivate over opportunities to publicly shame, defame and discredit others without a shred of evidence or fact-checking. And that includes people at the highest level of power and mass influence. Once stated on the internet, it is considered true, no matter the source or their intention. It resembles nothing of the debate classes I took in high school where elevated and intelligent discourse was required based upon empirical evidence verses raw emotion.  It compelled us to dig deeper; both internally and into established facts. And, even when losing a debate, the conversation didn’t devolve into name-calling and character shredding. Well if it did, that would be grounds for suspension or, at the very least, detention.

2023 also reminded me that social media is a powerful tool for indoctrination. And it’ll dupe people into relinquishing their critical thinking skills, stand on the wrong side of history and even vote against their own personal interests. I’ve experienced indoctrination while growing up in a high control religion (aka cult) and living in a country that, despite its history of genocide, slavery and exploitation, taught us from childhood that it was built on the tenets of liberty and justice for all. And that the USA represents the kind of democracy and high moral ground that every nation should emulate. Not only do I recognize the systematic indoctrination behind this kind of manipulated patriotism, religious fervor and supremacy; but also in mainstream media and the branding and marketing of businesses big and small. 

And while I’m hyper-sensitive to it, I also recognize that I’m equally susceptible to it. And so in 2024 I’m choosing to protect my energy while using social media. Call me old school but, instead of those who cowardly hide behind their keyboard with their  true character on display; I prefer inter-personal communication where fully fleshed thoughts, ideas and opinions can be expressed. And where the benefit of tone and body language exists. I choose to preserve my brain cells and my inner-peace by engaging judiciously on social media.

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