core values

S.I.T. Day 27: The Kinda People I Dig

I’m focusing on relationships that feel authentic and expansive. The kinda relationships where we can show up 100% ourselves and still feel loved. Fabulous or messy. Winning or losing. We lean in, listen, support and encourage each other through the best and worst of times. We know the backstories of each other’s lives. The ones that shape our opinions, beliefs, and choices. Compassion and understanding live here. We respect our differences, and have fun exchanging our own unique perspectives on just about any topic under the sun. Our relationship is uncensored but respectful, full of forgiveness (when needed) and love.

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S.I.T. Day 25: My Version of Success

Success, to me, starts with a strong self-identity; knowing who I am independent of familial, religious or societal expectations. It’s knowing my core values and maintaining integrity to them in any environment. Success is quieting all the mental chatter and being still enough to hear my intuition. And then make choices in alignment with it. It’s also being able to recognize how the consequences of my choices reflect my strengths and weaknesses. And using those experiences as a catalyst for personal growth.

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S.I.T. Day 24: My Core Values

I believe that authenticity is the foundation for everything. I’ve gotta feel comfortable in my own skin; knowing who I am, what I believe, and what I stand for. Plus what I want, need, and desire to feel successful and fulfilled. And those things shift because life lessons build wisdom, life circumstances show me the impact of choice, and relationships serve as mirrors. So it requires constant self-awareness. But without being grounded in my truth, I have no integrity or sense of direction. And as someone who was raised in a cult, with a value and belief system forced upon me, I know how disempowering that feels. Because I was raised in a high control religion, I believe

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